09 Sep 2023
To celebrate World Cleanup Day on September 9, CPC sponsored the 2023 CPC “Sustaining the Ocean: Oil for you and me,” a joint beach cleanup activity. Chairman Lee Shun-Chin, President Fang Jeng-Zen, Spokesperson Chang Ray-Chung, and the CEO Chiou Tray-Shing of the Marketing Business Division led about 1,350 CPC employees, and their friends and families, to clean up four beaches in different parts of Taiwan, protecting the environment with practical actions. The event aligns with ESG goals and the ideal of green co-existence, paying tribute to the oceans.
World Cleanup Day is now a global event. Since 2013, CPC has cleaned up renowned scenic spots, trails, and beaches in Taiwan. This year, the CPC Environmental Protection Submarine Team sponsored the flag handover ceremony to announce the commencement of the beach cleanup in northern Taiwan. Chairman Lee Shun-Chin handed over the flag to the “underwater heroes” to affirm the efforts of the divers and the environmental protection fleet.