Since incorporation, CPC has committed efforts into the creation of a healthy work environment with a “people-oriented” focus, and observed international human rights conventions including “The Global Compact,” “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” and “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” to ensure protection of employees’ rights and that all employees are treated with dignity and respect. CPC received no major complaint concerning human rights in 2023.
CPC’s human rights management policy
Human resources management
CPC had a total of 17,142 employees in 2023 (including direct workers, research staff, support personnel, management staff and contract personnel), or 18,151 including interns.
CPC operates in the petrochemical industry. CPC recruits most of its employees from college graduates of science studies, many of whom are assigned to work as operators. For this reason, males represent a dominant percentage of the workforce at 84.47%, whereas females represent the other 15.53%. However, CPC does not differentiate or discriminate between genders when assigning duties, and females accounted for 22.13% of senior managers in 2023.In terms of academic background, most employees graduated from senior high schools, colleges, and universities, which accounted for 78.21% of total employees, and 20.26% hold a master’s degree. Additionally, CPC was obligated to hire a minimum of 527 persons with disability (including interns), and actually hired a total of 850, which exceeded the requirement by 323. Furthermore, the Hualien Oil Supply Service Center, Eastern Businesses Department, Oil Product Marketing Division, hired indigenous people above the minimum requirement stated in the “Indigenous Peoples Employment Rights Protection Act.”
New recruits bring energy and creativity to CPC, which is why the Company recruits fresh talents on a yearly basis. CPC recruited 1,277 new employees in 2023, which accounted for 7.44% of total headcount (i.e. the employment rate). A total of 817 employees departed in 2023, representing a departure rate of 4.76%, but after excluding the 534 retirees, the attrition rate was calculated at 1.65%. Most employees commit to long-term service until retirement, and retirees averaged 30.34 years of service at retirement, indicating a high degree of loyalty and strong identification with CPC.
Compensation policy
As a state-owned enterprise held by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), CPC adopts a compensation policy that conforms with the “Recruitment Policy and Notes on Compensation for Employees of MOEA Subordinates.” Performance bonuses are paid according to “Implementation Guidelines on Performance Bonus for MOEA Subordinates.” CPC adopts the policy of maintaining salaries equal across employees of the same grade, with differences being determined by seniority and the role undertaken. Furthermore, given that CPC does not offer additional pay for managerial role or salary-linked performance bonus as do some state-owned enterprises, there was no significant income difference between top-paying roles and entry-level roles.
Comprehensive talent development framework
CPC has developed its talent training system to cater to the roles and skills needed within the organization, and uses various software, hardware, and assistance to support the training effort. Each internal unit is required to identify work goals and training emphases based on corporate vision, organizational prospects, current year’s training policy, and the skills needed for business growth and employees’ duties, and devise and adjust execution of training plans accordingly. It is our hope to expand employees’ professional capacity and skills closely in line with the organization’s growth.
Statistics on 2023 employee training
Highlights: Bringing new talents into the energy industry through talent expansion
To resolve the disruptions in talent succession, CPC has been exploring action strategies, work targets, and suitable training plans on a yearly basis by taking into consideration the corporate vision, organizational prospects, future growth requirements, and internal workforce shortages.
Human Resource Training Facility
CPC has established a Human Resource Training Facility that organizes seminars and training classes to support CPC’s business development and national growth. The facility trains employees on a wide range of expertise from refinery, excavation, engineering, marketing, administration to environmental safety, and offers vertical advancement (entry-level, mid-level and advanced level) as well as horizontal advancement (across different fields of expertise) paths to help employees develop the skills needed for their career.
Since the new building was commissioned in 2014, the number of classes has increased significantly from 327 in 2014 to 524 in 2023, whereas class enrollments have also grown from 13,575 in 2014 to 31,246 in 2023.
Friendly Workplace
CPC complies with international labor conventions and domestic union regulations, and protects employees' rights to associate, join union, and engage in collective bargaining. CPC has long been improving its work environment with the implementation of a comprehensive care system, equal-gender practices, benefits, and communication channels that employees can use to enforce collective bargaining rights, and thereby strengthen employees’ identification with CPC.
Creating a gender-friendly workplace
CPC is committed to creating a work environment that is friendly to female workers. In addition to providing high-quality and certified nursery room, CPC also supports employees in taking unpaid parental leaves and observes the Act for Gender Equality in Employment and relevant rules.
Employee care and benefits
To provide workers with a safe and healthy work environment, CPC arranges health examinations for employees on a yearly basis. In 2023, 15,505 employees took the general health examination and 2,733 employees took the special health examination for engaging in works involving noise, dust, organic solvents, specialty chemicals, ionized radiation, and abnormal pressures. Contractors are also required to comply with occupational safety and health laws and organize regular health checkups for employees.
To prevent employees from exposure to various work-related hazard factors, we have established the Work Environment Monitoring Plan and implemented work environment monitoring to prevent hazards.
In 2023, we performed work environment monitoring on chemical hazard factors (organic solvents, specialty chemicals, dust, and CO2) and physical hazard factors (noise exposure and wet-bulb globe temperature [WBGT] index). The monitoring results are within the permissible exposure limits. CPC also adopts occupational illness prevention, tiered health checkup, and health-oriented work arrangement among other mental and physical health protection measures. Physicians are hired or contracted to provide health services on-site, and a total of 1,234 on-site health service sessions were organized in 2023.
To further enhance the statistical analysis capacity of health management, we analyze employee examination results every year and list the top six anomalies. In 2023, these were chest X-ray, body weight, total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins, waist circumference, and systolic pressure. We also arranged health talks and health promotion activities based on these anomalies to guide employees’health management efforts.
Employee welfare policy
To further improve the work environment, we release a range of bonuses based on the overall performance of business units and the contribution and performance of individual employees. We also make contributions to the welfare fund according to the “Employee Welfare Fund Act” and co-establish EWC with TPWA to organize various types of benefits and recreational activities. To promote employee welfare, we establish branch committees in different locations in addition to the mandatory National Health Insurance, Government Employee and School Staff Insurance, and Labor Insurance, we purchase additional group insurance, overseas travel insurance (business trips), and accident insurance for employees. We also provide employees with injury, disability, and death condolence funds to protect the work and life security of employees.
Highlights: Excellent childcare support by CPC!
CPC has already set up three standalone, non-profit childcare facilities to cater to employees at Kaohsiung Refinery, CPC Miaoli office, and CPC Chiayi office. A childcare center was established at CPC Building in 2023 to cater to the needs of employees working at the headquarters. Aside from the accessible traffic, robust security control, and presence of professional childcare personnel, the childcare facility also sets its fees according to government rules, charging no more than NT$2,000 per child per month, or NT$1,000 for the second birth and no charge for the third birth onwards. The childcare center also observes the fee cap imposed by Taipei City Government Department of Social Welfare for quasi-public childcare services in the given area (NT$22,500/month for Xinyi district), and offers discounts for children and grandchildren of CPC employees. The childcare center not only provides excellent teaching for the children under care, but also helps parents lessen the financial burden of raising a child.
All CPC offices conduct yearly assessments on the feasibility of setting up their own childcare facilities, but due to the uneven distribution of employees, gender, differences in price level and needs etc., CPC has decided to continue sur veying employees’ childcare needs and updating findings onto the “eCPA Portal” maintained by DirectorateGeneral of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan, and have the offices-in-need coordinate with local branches of the CPC Employee Welfare Committee to sign privileged ch i l d ca re se r v ice a g re e m e nts w ith top -p e r for m i n g institutions in the local vicinity, as per conclusion of the 7th labor–management meeting. CPC has been improving the quality of existing childcare services for many years, and continues to attract utilization from employees by communicating exclusive privileges through webpage, newsletter, DM, etc. CPC also opens childcare services to children in the local neighborhood as a way to maintain community relations.
Peace in Work
CPC is committed to building a workplace safety culture that is centered around people. By adopting “total involvement, risk management, and healthcare” as the core value and “absolute work safety and zero hazard” as the ultimate goal, CPC continues working with employees and contractors to create a safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment. Its dedication to reducing occupational accidents has enabled the organization to keep the frequency-severity indicator below the industry average for 27 consecutive years
Workplace safety management
CPC has an "Occupational Health and Safety Committee" in place to oversee matters concerning employees' safety and health, such as safety and health training, health management, contractor management, and occupational hazard investigations and reports. The committee has 26 seats, including the president as the committee chair and 25 representatives from different units as members; 9 seats (35%) are allocated to workers’ representatives, which is more favorable than what the laws require. The Occupational Health and Safety Committee convenes 4 meetings each year; worker representatives raised 7 proposals in 2023, which accounted for 87.5% of all discussions. All motions discussed were closely related to the workplace and employees’ interests; from first-aid for operations involving acidic/alkaline solutions, prevention again heat hazard, explosion-proof training to Typhoon response, CPC ensures the safety and health of employees’ work environment. CPC adopts “Total work safety, risk management, and healthcare” as the guiding principles for its safety and health policy, and continues to implement a dual-system approach comprising an occupational safety and health management system and a process safety management (PSM) system. Transition to and validation of TOSHMS and ISO 45001 have been completed throughout the organization. As for the PSM system, CPC adopts the 14 management elements plus management responsibilities outlined by the Ministry of Labor in “Regulations on Regular Implementation of Process Safety Assessment” as the basic framework; a blueprint for the implementation of PSM system at trial sites was created in 2019, whereas full-scale implementation of PSM began in 2020 and was completed in 2021. Since then, CPC has assembled a PSM system consultant team comprising domestic scholars and experts, and arranged a series of PSM audits, counseling, training, and conferences and made improvements to the PSM framework based on recommendations of these scholars/experts.
Due to the high risks involved with oil refining and petrochemicals, CPC complies strictly with the Occupational Safety and Health Act and related laws, and has assembled separate audit teams for refinery, excavation, marketing, and construction activities, whose responsibilities are to perform safety and health audits onsite on a monthly basis. Each unit is also responsible for performing daily inspections and enforcing risk-based audits within their work sites. A total of 39 work safety audits and 12 engineering audits, including routine and non-routine, were conducted in 2023. CPC devises response actions based on the risks identified and has various emergency response drill plans in place. Emergency response drills are organized regularly to improve the ability to respond to accidents and prevent disasters. CPC organized 359 disaster prevention drills in 2023, including 4 expanded emergency response drills and 5 department-level ad hoc emergency response drills.
Employee communication channels
CPC organizes labor–management relations review meetings every year to promote labor–management communication. The Company also arranges official and unofficial activities where the event hosts and vice presidents are able to communicate and exchange opinions with union representatives, and pays a visit to the labor union from time to time to heed opinions of union members. CPC invites union representatives to attend OHS meetings, complaint adjudication meetings, reward/disciplinary meetings, tender review meetings, and procurement review meetings. An “Employee Welfare Committee” and a “Labor Pension Review Supervisory Committee” comprising management and union representatives have also been assembled to promote labor–management relations and devise employment terms that best cater to the organization’s growth, profitability, and continuity as well as employees’welfare.
Employee assistance program
CPC is committed to creating a harmonious and healthy work environment and improving employees’ work satisfaction as well as quality of life. To accomplish this goal, CPC offers a diverse range of service programs after taking into consideration the corporate vision, the nature of the organization, employees’ needs, employee categories, outcomes of satisfaction survey, service feedback, availability of internal/external resources, organizational characteristics, and utilization by employees. In 2023, CPC issued a series of questionnaires to learn employees’ needs, and based on the responses gathered, it arranged services to cater to employees’ wellbeing in three aspects, namely work, lifestyle, and health. CPC has assigned dedicated EAP personnel for the planning, promotion, and referral of resources. Mental and legal counseling are performed by external institutions or professionals, whereas medical consultation is provided by physicians and nurses of the employee clinic. According to the 2023 questionnaire on employees’ awareness and satisfaction with EAP, about 94.76% of respondents were aware of the program and more than 85% of users gave positive rating for service satisfaction.
Execution of EAP – 2023