Over the years, CPC has been committed to employee health care, gender equality, personnel training, talent cultivation for implementing corporate governance, and internal auditing. We make efforts to the further development of risk management and forward-looking strategic planning. CPC continues to issue sustainability reports to promote communication with stakeholders through transparent and open disclosure of information. To achieve a win-win situation for the economy, environment, and society. We will continue to strengthen our core business development based on environmental protection and develop green technologies to accumulate growth momentum and realize the sustainable vision of co-existence with the environment and harmony with the society. CPC, as an enterprise that keeps pace with the times, protects Taiwan with everyone, creating and sharing a better future.
Employees are seen as CPC’s most valuable assets. CPC continues to attract talents and creates a friendly workplace with diverse approaches. To take care of the employees’ health and safety, CPC has made occupational safety a prerequisite for all operations. CPC has implemented the “Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System (TOSHMS)” for years. All units of CPC have passed the ISO 45001 conversion and certification to promote and continuously improve the occupational safety and health management system and management performance. At the same time, CPC introduces new technologies for equipment risk detection as well as provides employee and contractor safety training, strengthening the overall safety management network.
“Low-carbon, clean, and energy-efficient" has become the trend for energy industry. To expand the use of low-carbon energy, CPC promotes various major infrastructure projects to enhance the domestic natural gas transmission, storage, and supply capacity. In recent years, CPC has devoted itself to the ecological restoration of the Guantang fishing ports, and successfully created a habitat for little terns. Meanwhile, to meet global expectations of carbon neutral by 2050, CPC has demonstrated its voluntary and proactive efforts to reduce carbon emissions. CPC introduced carbon-neutral LNG to illustrate win-win situation of environment, economy, and energy (3E).
Align with the global trend of environmental protection, carbon reduction and circular economy, CPC is committed to R&D in renewable energy, energy saving, carbon reduction, high-value materials, and process waste reduction. Furthermore, in an attempt to pilot mass production of R&D results, CPC achieved the ultimate goal of "commercialization of new products and engineering of new technologies". CPC invests in forward-looking research and development, with "energy creation, energy conservation, energy storage, and carbon reduction" as the main theme, and “green energy, green materials, and green technology” as the key elements. Our area of research includes the assessment of the potential of domestic and overseas mines, the development and application of renewable energy, environmental cleanup, and pollution remediation technologies. Besides, we are actively accelerating efficiency gains through trial mass production and diversified applications to inject new vitality into our R&D and innovation energy. It has become an engine to drive industrial restructuring and upgrading.
CPC has long devoted its attention to environmental protection. In addition to ensuring energy-saving and carbon reduction and reducing environmental impact, CPC also applied the TCFD framework, ISO14001 environmental management system and other relevant international standards to address the risks of climate change and seek opportunities for the transformation to the circular economy as early as possible. Meanwhile, habitat preservation for little terns is being carried out near the Guantang area where the third LNG Receiving Terminal is located. This effort signifies CPC's intent to simultaneously cater to economic.
Building on the foundation of Environmental Protection, CPC continues to provide quality oil and gas products and services to create a convenient and barrier-free fueling environment for consumers. We also care for disadvantaged groups, assist in local development, and maintain good interaction with local groups and residents in pursuit of community integration. CPC builds this advantage by maintaining productive interaction with local communities and organizations, as well as contributes back to the neighborhood. In addition, CPC holds various charity activities and promotes environmental education and sports sponsorship to fulfill its social care spirits.
The Stakeholder Concern Questionnaire was issued to the nine main stakeholders previously identified, and a total of 787 questionnaires were recovered; impacts of each sustainability issue from the governance, environmental, and social aspect were then taken into consideration. A total of 35 internal managers had participated in the material topic impact survey. After thorough analysis and prioritization, we have analyzed our 2022 sustainability issues as follows. The further an issue is positioned in the top-right corner of the matrix, the higher its impact is on CPC and the higher concern it is to stakeholders.
CPC's “Sustainable Operations Promotion Committee” was assembled in 2005. The committee oversees sustainability in four major aspects: “Environmental Protection and Ecological Conservation,” “Social Care,” “Policy and R&D” and “Environmental Accounting and Information”; it pays constant attention to sustainability trends local and abroad, contributes expertise on both strategic and operational levels, and promotes sustainability of the organization as well as the society.
The committee is chaired by the Chairman, with the President serving as Vice Committee Chair, the Vice President of Business Administration serving as general secretary, and other senior managers and outside experts/scholars making up the rest of the committee. The Sustainable Operations Promotion Committee convened 3 meetings in 2022, and directors were invited from time to time to raise proposals relating to sustainability; additionally, the President made unscheduled reports to the board of directors regarding the progress and outcome of sustainability practices. Internal departments were also required to make special reports to the board of directors and examine the impacts of economic, environmental, social, and governance issues as well as responses.