Environment and ecosystem protection have always been part of CPC’s core value. CPC holds the conviction that businesses should embrace ecosystem, social, and cultural protection not only as an important mission, but also a responsibility to future generations. For this reason, CPC actively engages in various environmental protection activities and makes ecosystem preservation a part of the organization’s sustainability guidelines.
To fulfill this vision, CPC has adopted the “science-based survey and research” approach, working closely with experts and scholars from various fields of expertise to survey and study biodiversity in both marine and land environments, and thereby gaining insight into the current state and changes of the environment.
These studies help us establish how business activities affect the nearby environment, and allow CPC and business partners to devise more effective science-based preservation strategies. While constructing the Third LNG Terminal, CPC responded to the opinions of environmental protection organizations and local residents by assembling the Guantang Industrial Park (Port) Ecosystem Preservation Committee to oversee ecosystem preservation in the Guantang area. Meanwhile, through events such as environmental seminar, community activity, and education program, CPC conveys environmental protection awareness to the general public and encourages everyone to take action for the protection of Earth’s environment.
For marine habitat, CPC continues to clean up and maintain the nearby environment, and commits efforts into studying marine life, including observation and habitat restoration for crustose coralline algae and endangered coral (polycyathus chaishanensis). As an improvement to the observation technique, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were used to survey coverage of crustose coralline algae for the first time. CPC also executes biodiversity promotion programs; the Ark for Coral project at Yongan LNG Terminal, for example, was introduced as an attempt to preserve and restore coral species found along Taiwan’s coastline.
As for terrestrial habitat, CPC surveys biological resources within the areas of its operation and turns findings into accessible knowledge. Taoyuan Refinery Plant, for example, created nature trails that bring employees and local residents closer to nature, and has been collaborating with outside partners for the preservation of animal species. Following the success of the four reproduction habitats created along the coastlines of Taoyuan for little terns, a protected species, that increased breeding success rate to 70%, CPC then created habitats for birds such as Kentish plovers and Pacific golden plovers.
Founding of Taiwan’s first “Ecosystem Preservation Fund”
During the “Little Tern Preservation Progress Conference” held in 2022, CPC once again stated its commitment to protect the ecosystem, and announced its intention to found Taiwan’s first ecosystem preservation fund as a way to rally businesses to this cause. CPC will be obtaining the permit to found its ecosystem preservation fund in accordance with “Regulations on Permit and Supervision of Marine Charity Trust,” and expects to contribute budgets of NT$200 million each year over five years for a total of NT$1 billion. Meanwhile, an ecosystem preservation fund management committee and a set of “CPC Corporation Guidelines on Ecosystem Preservation Fund” will be introduced to ensure proper management of the fund and adequate support of ecological preservation actions and research programs in Taiwan.
Engaging the public in ecological preservation through digital interactions
Through transparency, citizen science, and public involvement, CPC and Guantang Industrial Park (Port) Ecological Conservation Committee hope to deliver the promises of its Third LNG Terminal to coexist with life. Using the dedicated website and APP, the public is able to gain knowledge on environmental preservation, monitor construction works, report the species observed, and engage in various forms of digital interaction at any time to take part in the protection of the algal reef ecosystem.
Guantang Ecological Preservation Portal
As per the resolution of the Guantang Industrial Park (Port) Ecosystem Preservation Committee, the Guantang Ecological Preservation Portal (https://cpcguantang.tw/) has been created to communicate with the public on CPC’s dedication to protecting the algal reef ecosystem, as well as the committee’s role as a 3rd-party supervisor and various suggestions and practices it has made with regard to the preservation of the algal reef. The website openly presents a wide range of information including monitoring data, an introduction to the ecosystem, and live feeds that give the public a thorough understanding of the current state of algal reefs, which in turn reduces conflict between the preservation group and the engineering team and promotes environmental education.
The “CPC Ecosystem Map” APP
A “CPC Ecosystem Map” APP has been created for the public and employees to take part in ecosystem survey, and in doing so raise the society’s ecosystem preservation awareness.
With the “CPC Ecosystem Map” APP, users are able to take photos of the lifeforms they observe at or near plant sites using a smartphone camera and upload them to the database, where a team of ecological experts will identify the species and provide feedback with correct information to the users. It is an attempt at promoting the idea of “citizen scientist.”
“Ecological Treasure Hunter”
CPC organized a competition called “Ecological Treasure Hunter” between November 2023 and February the following year as a way to bring people’s attention back to ecosystem preservation and environmental protection. In this event, we encourage employees and the general public to download and install the CPC Ecosystem Map APP developed by the Department of Environmental Protection and Ecological Conservation, which allows them to experience the fun of exploring nature and scientific knowledge all within a handheld device.
Participants were assigned the role of citizen scientist and were encouraged to visit areas near the Company’s premises throughout the duration of the competition to explore, record, and share the lifeforms they encounter along the way. The competition was more than just about exploring the ecosystem, but was also about being close to and understanding nature. As participants discovered new life forms, they started to observe habitual behaviors and record the environments these life forms exist in. This engagement not only increases employees’ knowledge on the life forms and resources near places where CPC operates, but also strengthens the association between employees’ work and sustainability, and emphasizes CPC’s commitment to environmental protection.
The extensive volume of data and knowledge gathered through the “Ecological Treasure Hunter” campaign will provide useful reference to CPC when devising preservation strategies for certain species near places of operation. With this precious data, CPC will fine-tune its preservation approach to align with the biodiversity movement that has been gathering attention around the world, and contribute to the biodiversity in Taiwan.