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CPC to set up a representative office in India to seek investment opportunities

Mar 05, 2019


CPC has over the last two years or so been examining the potential returns from both investing and operating in India, in the context of Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy. The company will now formalize its presence there by establishing its India Representative Office.

CPC recently made an announcement about the progress of its petrochemicals park project in India: this was to the effect that, following an assessment of its commercial viability by Axens (an international process technology consulting firm commissioned by CPC) in January pointing to both a bigger investment budget and lower operating efficiency than planned, other members of the investment consortium were reluctant to proceed to the next stage and therefore the project had been halted.  Nothing daunted, CPC has decided to both find another site for a petrochemicals park and to explore other, new investment opportunities. The company’s India Representative Office will consequently play a key role in developing the Indian market by enabling deep knowledge of both the foreign direct investment environment and the relevant regulatory regimes, both national and provincial.